Flourish Media Gives Tips On Social Media Trends

Miami, FL - The ladies of Flourish Media were back, and with more tips and tricks to boosting online appeal and influence among business professionals. During the June workshop, attendees gathered to discuss what tricks they use to engage with the public along with the tools needed to secure those next leads and hopeful clients. The team introduced knowledge that would accelerate a businesses digital footprint, increase their online visibility, and create brand buzz using free social media tools.

β€œIt was such a blast!” Said Sasha Revolus, a founding member of the Flourish Media team.

Attendees, along with Flourish Media, discussed problems with social media and how one can transform trends into revenue. Because social media is a growing yet necessary tool for any business or brand, the ladies behind Flourish Media took the time to address issues and creative stumps many face when creating social media calls to action or promotions. As the event drew to a close, each guest left knowing how to hack the digital marketing system and experience exponential growth during their next quarter.  


Celeste Walsh